His Presence is the Promise
The presence of God is one of the most precious gifts that we can seek after in this life. It is a promise of comfort, peace, and hope in the middle of chaos and uncertainty that we all face. It is where we are changed and made brand new. At about 13 years old, I distinctly remember encountering His tangible presence for the very first time when I went to a summer camp. I remember feeling in that moment how incredibly loved, known and secure I felt by my Father. I remember knowing without a shadow of doubt, my highest calling was to be in His presence and to lead others into His presence. I have been completely changed ever since that first encounter and haven’t stopped pursuing him. It has been quite an adventure to say the least.
Many people spend their entire lives searching for this kind of love only God can provide. Our carnal natures crave temporary happiness and fulfillment. Even as Christians, we can easily become so familiar with God that we leave Jesus and His Kingdom pursuits behind. When you are in pain, who or what do you run to? Is it God? Is it Netflix, alcohol, Tiktok? I get it. I have been guilty of some of these things myself. It’s easy to numb ourselves instead of facing God head on with our problems. But God says in His word that we can come “boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” Hebrews 4:16
It takes a daily intentional act of surrender and sacrifice to pursue the presence of God. It is our privilege, honor and highest calling as Christians to pursue His presence.
Something I am really passionate about is teaching others to get into God’s presence on a daily basis, especially those in ministry and especially especially for who are worship leaders. Why is this so important? Because in order to live out the calling God has for our lives, we absolutely need God’s presence and His word to be empowered and strengthened. I remember going to bible school a few years ago, where we were required to go to chapel, every morning at 7am. I am not a morning person; so was it hard at first? YES. Was it worth? YES. Why? It taught you discipline. It taught you how to hear God’s voice. It taught me what was truly on God’s heart. Some of my CFNI friends will tell you, there were some amazing services, times I will never forget. It really made you even more hungry for the Lord. I will forever cherish that season where I was able to know Him on such a deep, uninterrupted level. Once you have tasted the presence of God, everything else fails in comparison.
It is also important because if the leaders of the church are not actively pursuing God’s presence offstage, they are only setting themselves up for failure on stage. What do I mean by that? I never wanted to be a worship leader who lives a certain way on stage while not matching that effort off stage behind doors. For me, it is my greatest fear to portray myself as a certain image and totally live a separate lifestyle. I would much rather work with musicians who care more about character and integrity over just pure talent. Developing character should always come before pursuing the stage and being noticed by others. No one said we have to be perfect; because trust me, I fail DAILY, but, we should be authentic in the pursuit of Jesus, whether you are recognized for it or not.
So, what are some practical steps in pursuing God’s presence?
1. Start with 15 minutes a day. Read His word and pray. Did you know that thanking God is a form of worship? Thank God for all that He has done for your life. Even if you are feeling like your entire world is falling apart, there is always something to be thankful for because of Jesus.
2. Get in community or discipleship. Another great way to pursue God’s presence is with people. You can learn about God, hear other people’s perspective, grow and be changed.
3. Serve. God’s heart is for people. If you want to be a great leader, people have to come first. His heart longs for people to know Him. Encourage a friend, do an outreach in your community, give to those in need at your local church.
The presence of God is the promise and gift that we should all seek after because it provides us with all the comfort, peace, hope, strength, and wisdom that we need to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. So let us turn our hearts and minds towards God and seek his presence in all that we do.
“You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.”
Psalm 16:11